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Cultivating the Future: Protecting Our Sacred Earth and Your Health through Organic Farming and Regenerative Agriculture

Cultivating the Future: Protecting Our Sacred Earth and Your Health through Organic Farming and Regenerative Agriculture

Cultivating the Future: Protecting Your Health and Our Sacred Earth through Organic Farming and Regenerative Agriculture. 

Organic and regenerative farming is one of our guiding pillars and passions at Sacred + Wild. Let us take you through why and how we show this care in our products.

Organic Farming: Nourishing the Earth Naturally

Organic farming is a holistic approach to agriculture that prioritises the health of the soil and the well-being of the ecosystem. It eschews synthetic chemicals, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and irradiation in favour of natural and sustainable practices.

Key principles of organic farming include:

  • Soil Health:
    Organic farmers nurture the soil by using compost, by covering crops, and crop rotation. These practices enrich the soil with nutrients, improve its structure, and increase its water-holding capacity.

    The Soil's Secret: A Precious Resource

    Soil is the unsung hero beneath our feet - it is not merely dirt; it is a living, breathing ecosystem teeming with microbes, nutrients, and organic matter. Healthy soil is the foundation of life, supporting plant growth, storing carbon, and purifying water.

    One of the biggest crises we are facing today is the decarbonisation, erosion, desertification and chemical pollution of our soil. The loss of fertility, biodiversity and indigenous seeds and knowledge mean human survival is under threat. Soil scientists say that within 50 years, if the current rate of destruction continues, we won’t have enough soil to feed ourselves.  
  • Biodiversity:
    Organic farms encourage biodiversity by planting a variety of crops and avoiding monoculture. This diversity supports beneficial insects, birds, and soil microorganisms that maintain ecological balance.
  • No Synthetic Chemicals:
    Organic farming prohibits the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilisers, reducing the risk of soil contamination and harm to wildlife.
  • Sustainable Practices:
    Organic farmers prioritise water conservation, energy efficiency, and minimising environmental impact throughout the farming process.


By embracing organic farming, we not only produce healthier and more nutritious food but also protect our sacred Earth by nurturing and preserving the very soil that sustains us.


Regenerative Agriculture: Healing the Land

“If you’ve never heard about the amazing potential of regenerative agriculture and land use practices to naturally sequester a critical mass of CO2 in the soil and forests, you’re not alone. One of the best-kept secrets in the world today is that the solution to global warming and the climate crisis (as well as poverty and deteriorating public health) lies right under our feet, and at the end of our knives and forks.”
- Ronnie Cummins, Regeneration International

Regenerative agriculture takes the principles of organic farming to the next level by actively seeking to restore and rejuvenate degraded farmland. It's a holistic approach that aims not only to sustain but also to improve the health of the ecosystem.

It uses farming and grazing methods that are designed to reverse climate change by rebuilding soil’s organic matter and restoring degraded soil biodiversity. It not only “does no harm” to the land but it improves it rather than degrading it, using methods that regenerate and revitalise the soil and the environment. This leads to healthy soil that can grow food that is of high quality and nutrient dense.

Key principles of regenerative agriculture include:

  • No-Till Farming: 
    Minimising or eliminating tillage reduces soil erosion, preserves soil structure, and enhances carbon sequestration.

  • Cover Cropping:
    Planting cover crops during fallow periods keeps the soil covered and prevents erosion. These cover crops also contribute organic matter when they are later incorporated into the soil.

  • Rotational Grazing:
    In livestock farming, rotational grazing mimics the natural movement of herds, benefiting both the land and the animals.

  • Carbon Sequestration: 
    Practices such as agroforestry and silvopasture incorporate trees into farming systems, sequestering carbon and enhancing biodiversity.

  • Holistic Management:
    Regenerative agriculture takes a holistic approach to land management, focusing on ecological and social outcomes in addition to economic ones.

By prioritising soil health, biodiversity, and ecological balance, regenerative agriculture not only sustains the land but actively works to heal and restore it. 

This leads to productive farms, increasing food production and farmers’ income - in turn leading to healthy communities and economies. When all parties involved in the supply chain and the industry work together – including farmers, growers, consumers, policymakers, business leaders and change-makers – regenerative agriculture has the potential to cool the planet, feed the world and restore public health on a global scale.


The Connection to Protecting Our Sacred Earth: 

Both organic farming and regenerative agriculture are deeply rooted in the principles of stewardship and reverence for the Earth. They acknowledge that our planet is a sacred gift that sustains life, and it is our responsibility to protect and nurture it for future generations.

By adopting these practices, we take an active role in preserving the planet's biodiversity, mitigating climate change, and ensuring that our children inherit a healthier world. We honour the wisdom of the soil and embrace the interconnectedness of all life on Earth.

There are direct benefits to the planet from following organic and regenerative practices:


  • Reduced Chemical Runoff:
    Organic farming practices are often designed to minimise chemical runoff into water sources. This helps protect water quality and aquatic ecosystems.

  • Enhanced Soil Health:
    Organic farming focuses on building and maintaining healthy soil through practices like crop rotation, cover cropping, and composting. Healthy soils are better at retaining water, reducing erosion, and sequestering carbon.

  • Lower Carbon Footprint:
    Organic farming may have a lower overall carbon footprint compared to conventional farming. This is because organic practices often rely on fewer synthetic inputs, which are energy-intensive to produce.

  • Biodiversity Conservation:
    Organic farms tend to support greater biodiversity by avoiding the use of synthetic chemicals. This can benefit pollinators, beneficial insects, and other wildlife.

  • Sustainable Farming Practices:
    Organic farming is typically based on more sustainable and regenerative agriculture practices, which can help mitigate the negative environmental impacts of industrial agriculture.

  • Preservation of Non-Renewable Resources:
    Organic farming typically avoids or reduces the use of non-renewable resources, such as synthetic fertilisers and fossil fuels, which are commonly used in conventional agriculture.

In turn there also huge benefits for the health of you and your family:

  • Reduced Exposure to Pesticides:
    Organic farming practices typically limit or prohibit the use of synthetic pesticides and herbicides. By choosing organic foods, you can reduce your exposure to potentially harmful chemicals.
  • No Synthetic Growth Hormones or Antibiotics:
    Organic animal products, such as meat and dairy, are produced without the routine use of synthetic growth hormones and antibiotics. This can reduce the risk of consuming residues of these substances.

  • Higher Nutrient Content:
    Some studies suggest that organic produce may have higher nutrient content, including vitamins and minerals, compared to conventionally grown foods. This is because organic farming practices often focus on improving soil health, which can lead to more nutrient-rich crops.

  • No Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs):
    Organic standards generally prohibit the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). If you are concerned about the potential health effects of GMOs, choosing organic can help you avoid them.
  • Higher Animal Welfare:
    Organic animal farming typically includes more humane treatment of animals, with access to the outdoors and more space to roam. This can lead to higher-quality meat and dairy products.

Organic and regenerative farming is one of our guiding pillars and passions at Sacred + Wild. 

In sourcing ingredients for our products, our desire is to create a deeper connection to nature and not compromise humans’ stake in Mother Earth. We place ethics and love for the planet and people above profits. We put a lot of time and research into seeking out suppliers and growers who share our ethos and practise regenerative farming methods, so that we can work with them on our current and future products, and champion them. We care deeply about our beautiful planet and our stewardship of it, and want to use our platform to be part of the change. 

We will never use any ingredients that are harmful to you or Mother Earth, and we refuse to join in the green washing that plagues our industry. We will go above and beyond to use cutting edge sustainable and circular manufacturing processes.

  • Not tested on animals 
  • No GM ingredients
  • No controversial chemicals 
  • No parabens and Phthalates 
  • No synthetic colours, dyes or fragrances 
  • Yes to sustainably sourced ingredients 
  • Yes to using natural colours and fragrances from plants and flowers 
  • Yes to transparent manufacturing processes 
  • Yes to biodegradable ingredients 
  • Yes to protecting wildlife and biodiversity

Seven resources to find out more about organic and regenerative agriculture:

1. Regenerative Organic Alliance:

A U.S. alliance of farmers, business leaders and experts in soil health, animal welfare and social fairness. They work together to adopt regenerative organic practices on more farms around the world and create long-term solutions to the climate crisis, factory farming and fractured rural economies. Regenerative Organic Alliance

2. Regeneration International:

Promotes, facilitates and accelerates the global transition to regenerative food, farming and land management in order to restore climate stability, end world hunger and rebuild deteriorated social, ecological and economic systems. Regeneration International

3. Farms to Feed Us: 

A social enterprise run by volunteer activists, farmers, journalists and economists, connecting people with farmers, fishers and food producers to help Britain’s smaller farms and producers survive. Farms to Feed Us

4. Groundswell Show:

Entering its eighth year, The Groundswell event provides a forum for farmers and anyone interested in food production or the environment to learn about the theory and practical applications of Conservation Agriculture or regenerative systems, including no-till, cover crops and re-introducing livestock into the arable rotation, with a view to improving soil health. Check out their five grounding principles of regen ag

5. Knepp Farm:

A trailblazing 3,500-acre rewilding project established 20 years ago that has changed the way we think about nature and how we can heal our planet. Knepp’s dynamic, rebounding ecosystem is a story of hope, showing how nature can bounce back if we let it. Thousands of nature-lovers come here to take in the astonishing sights and sound. Regenerative farming at Knepp

6. Farming for Change podcast:

An (almost) monthly podcast where two Nuffield Scholars - James Smith, a fifth-generation farmer, and Ben Taylor-Davies, an agroecologist, chat about all things regenerative farming, rewilding, biodiversity, soil health and more, occasionally joined by special guests from the field (no pun intended). 
In this episode, James and Ben talk to Andy Cato from Wildfarmed about the company's mission to fix food to fix the planet.

7. Save The Soil initiative: 

Save the Soil is an effort to align human activity to be supportive of nature and all life on our planet. The Save Soil Movement will work toward this by:
Turning the world attention to our dying soil, inspiring people to support policy redirections to safeguard, nurture and sustain soils and driving national policy changes in 193 nations toward raising and maintaining the organic content of soils to a minimum of 3-6%. Save The Soil

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